S A V E T H E D A T E:
8-10 December
Our grand finale will see the designers of all regional winners 2019-2020 compete head-to-head for global trophies in a completely new set of categories. A groundbreaking online format allows guests to get inside insight from, and meet with, the creators of the very best-of-the-best hotels to have opened worldwide over the last two years.
Details to be revealed very soon...
Click here to add the event to your calendar
AHEAD MEA - Who's ready for the Winners Webcast next week?
Make sure you're part of the action by simply tuning into the AHEAD website on Monday 9 November at 2pm (GST) / 12pm (SAST) / 10am (GMT) then sit back and hear from our sponsors and judges as the triumphant trophy recipients are announced.
View the full programme here. Let us know you're watching by tagging us @AHEAD_Awards on Instagram and Twitter and use the hashtags: #AHEADMEA #GoodTimesAHEAD

AHEAD Europe - We Shall go to the Ball
As is AHEAD Europe tradition, every year we like to have a theme... this year will be no different.
AHEAD Europe's theme for 2020 is... THE MASQUERADE BALL
We would like to ask our AHEAD community to dress up, masks on and take to social media to show us their best masquerade looks while watching the AHEAD Europe Winners Webcast. Prizes will be awarded to the most creative and most humorous disguises! Take a look at our Pinterest boardfor inspiration.
To watch the webcast, tune in to the AHEAD website from 6pm on Monday 16 November - save the date here and view the entire programme here.

AHEAD Asia - Last month to enter
You have until 23:59 (GMT) on 30 November to submit your entries into AHEAD Asia 2021.
Eligible hotels and resorts must be located in the Asia Pacific region and have opened or reopened between September 2019 and September 2020.
Click here to get started or read the judging criteria to familiarise yourself with what the panel are looking for. You can also peruse the full list of categories here (remember, you can submit the same project into more than one category).

AHEAD Americas - Entries opening soon
Have you recently opened a hotel, resort or lodge that demonstrates fantastic design while also offering unique experiences for its guests? If so, you should enter AHEAD Americas 2021.
Eligible projects need to have opened between November 2019 and December 2020 and must be located within the Americas region, that includes North, South and Central America and the Caribbean.
The awards portal will open on Tuesday 1 December via the AHEAD website. Set yourself a reminder byclicking here and stay tuned for further announcements.