
It is just two weeks until we host this year’s AHEAD Europe Winners Webcast from 6pm London-time on Monday 16 November.

Traditionally AHEAD Europe is an annual industry highlight where 1000+ guests gather in London to celebrate our community’s achievements. Although we are unable to meet in person this time around, we hope this year will be no different. We also figure everyone could do with some light relief from the dark days of 2020.

If you have attended AHEAD Europe previously, you will also know we love a theme, which each year shapes the dress code, production and staging of the event.

From The Great Gatsby (2012) to the Grand Budapest Hotel (2015), over the years we have transformed the awards ceremony into everything from a swinging psychedelic wigout (2018) to a Blade-Runner sci-fi setting (2017) to a Brooklyn black-tie block party (2019). And who could forget the Studio 54-inspired disco dragfest that was our 2016 awards (not the people in the front row, that’s for sure).

Our sincere hope is that the COVID curveball will not get in the way of another great party for 2020.

So we're delighted to share with you that this year’s theme is…

“A Masked Ball…With A Difference”

Yes, you shall go to the ball after all, and as 2020 has been the year of the mask, we thought what better theme to bring our virtual event to life?

So how will this work?

• We would like you to get together with a small group of industry friends (somewhere between the rule of six and a table of ten as a guideline) and host an online gathering (via Zoom, Houseparty or your virtual meeting platform of preference) to watch the awards announcement from 6pm Mon 16 November. Think of the people you would usually invite, or share a table with, and give them a shout.

• Although you will be watching from home via video, we still want you to dress up! The dress code as always is ‘Black Tie With A Twist’ – the twist this year being to embellish your outfit with a mask. This could be the traditional Venetian masquerade facewear but anything goes. From Darth Vader to Donald Trump, the dafter the better. See our Pinterest boardfor inspiration. This site also has some good tips.

• We suggest you nominate a host who asks the rest of your gang to mute their mics during the awards presentation, as they screenshare the webcast with the rest.

• Although we can’t see you in the flesh, we do of course want to see your outfits so please share your snaps, screengrabs and video snippets on Instagram using the hashtags:





• Once the awards presentation has finished at around 8pm, we will head over to Instagram Live for a red carpet after-party, with reactions from our winners from across the continent and announcement of our final ‘Best Dressed’ awards (prizes TBC).

So get your gang together, put your gladrags (and facemasks) on, and the glasses chilled for what we hope will be night to bring a little cheer to this long winter.